
Visceral Manipulation

Abdominal treatments to improve organ function

Listen to your gut.

What are Visceral Manipulations?

Visceral Manipulation, sometimes called Visceral Therapy, is a hands-on treatment focused on improving function of the viscera, or internal organs.  This treatment uses the muscles, fascia, and ligaments to correct structural imbalances related to the other body systems.

When the tissues that connect to your viscera are strained or out of balance, a ripple effect throughout your body occurs and may present as pain/discomfort.  Visceral Manipulation corrects those strains so you can feel better.

What are the benefits of Visceral Manipulations?

Visceral Manipulations improves the function and alleviates imbalances that occur throughout the body.  Improving the body’s ability to function decreases pain and discomfort.  Below are some of the most common disorders improved by use of visceral therapy:

  • Acute and Chronic Abdominal Pain
  • Digestive Disorders ( bloating, constipation, nausea, acid reflux, GERD…)
  • Pediatric Issues (constipation, gastritis, reflux…)
  • Bladder Incontinence

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